How do I check if Keymate is down?
There are a number of factors that may be causing Keymate to have issues. Some may be related to us and some may be related to third parties. We appreciate your patience as we continue to keep our system stable with an ever changing environment. Exciting times!
If you ever encounter an issue and wonder whether it's Keymate related, you can always check our service health status from this link:
How long does it take to fix if your service is down?
If the issue is on our end, it takes 10 to 20 minutes on average for all outages. We have an engineer on duty 24/7.
Troubleshoot: Keymate status looks "healthy". Why is it not working?
There are a number of reasons for this. Some of the common issues are:
A recent OpenAI update might have affected the way our product responds
There might be a URL-related issue. You will get 404 error if that is the case. See details here.
ChatGPT might not have understood your question well. The answer, in this case, can cause you to think the service is not working properly. If this is the case:
You can use our slash commands to make Keymate interact more precisely.
You can use these methods to improve your search accuracy.
Regardless of the issue, you can reach out to us at any point on our Help chatbox in the bottom right corner or email [email protected] so that we can address your issue.
Please keep in mind that because we are using cutting edge technology in a constantly improving domain, there will be some issues and errors along the way. We continue our efforts to stabilize our products to provide you the best experience possible.