Letting users utilize Keymate features on your custom GPT
You can ask for users' API keys and direct them to our Plans page to find their personal API key.
This is designed in a way that allows you to build applications on top of a users' existing Personal Knowledge Bases on Keymate. You can build things like Personal Knowledge Base visualization tools or showing their personal knowledge base to the users.
As of the end of 2023, Keymate.AI has 500,000 Personal Knowledge Base records that include information from the users' PDF files and ChatGPT interactions.
API endpoints
Our endpoints have two different fields:
apikeyuser field is used to identify which individual user is using Keymate API.
apikeyconsumer field connects that user's Keymate credit consumption to the account on Keymate.
You can use the same API key for both fields or you can use these fields separately.
> Please note:
1: This only works for users that agree to share their login API key with you.
2: There will be Keymate Login SDK where you will be able to redirect users to Keymate login and then they give access to your app if they want.