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How can I train my Keymate Memory with PDFs?
How can I train my Keymate Memory with PDFs?

The basics of PDF upload

Philip Delvecchio avatar
Written by Philip Delvecchio
Updated over a week ago

How to train your Keymate Memory with PDFs

On Keymate.AI, you can upload PDF content directly into your Keymate Memory (Information Store / Knowledge Base) without ChatGPT interface. This feature enables you to train your Keymate Memory with a PDF you choose, as a valuable resource for future reference.

With Keymate.AI products like the plugin and GPTs, ChatGPT will ground answers based on your Keymate Memory if you ask for it. You can upload multiple files, once at a time. Each process takes 1 PDF file and trains your Keymate Memory using its content.

This is a guide for you to take advantage of this feature.

Important Note:

Before you upload a PDF, you should consider your use case. See the DOs and DON'Ts to better understand if loading PDFs will work for you.

In many cases, it might be better to simply copy and past the text from a PDF into your chat window. Use CMD+A or CTRL+A to select all text in a PDF, copy and paste it into the chat window.

Step by step guide for loading PDFs

  1. Navigate to and press login. Use the email account associated with your Keymate.AI account.

  2. Press "Load PDF to Keymate Memory" link on top left.

  3. Select your PDF and press "Upload".

  4. After uploading, it takes approaximately 5 minutes process your file. If it takes more than 5 minutes, you may need to restart the process. It can process PDFs up to roughly 100 pages.

Structured and Unstructured Data

The AI model can't "see" your file. Please remember that it can't see the structure of an uploaded file.

Neither ChatGPT nor your Personal Knowledge Base knows anything about the specific page numbers, titles, or subsections of your PDF. The text in your file is used as an unstructured information to train your Personal Knowledge Base. This means you need to query in relevance with topics and context.

Keymate.AI does semantic lookup on your personal knowledge base. The better you define the topic and context, the better it will find what you are looking for there.

Images, specific titles, page numbers, table of contents in PDF files are structured information. They are not used by your Personal Knowledge Base.


Do I need an Ultimate plan to load PDFs?

No, the ability to load PDFs into your Keymate Memory is not directly related to your Keymate.AI plan. But loading PDFs cost requests, and lower plans might not be useful for it (See the relevant question below)

What if ChatGPT asks me to upgrade to load a PDF?

PDF uploads work for everyone but if you use ChatGPT it will ask you to upgrade. If you have an Ultimate account and it still says you need to upgrade, you can log out and back in again to fix it.

How much Keymate requests PDF loading cost?

PDFs cost 1 request per 300 words. A single page of a PDF on average has 500 words. So it costs roughly 5 requests for every 3 pages. This may vary depending on the PDF you are uploading. Using the maximum limit for upload (~100 pages or ~50,000 words) will cost around 160 requests.

Can I use these features without Keymate Ultimate?​

Keymate Memory works on ChatGPT Plus and Keymate Ultimate. To use Keymate Ultimate, you need an Ultimate plan but everyone can use ChatGPT Plus + Keymate.AI Search.

Is there a limit to the pages or words on a PDF?​​

Max ~100 pages or ~50,000 words can be uploaded at once as a PDF file. If your PDF is larger, you will have to split your PDF to 100 page chunks.

How long does it take for Keymate take to process my PDF?

There's a processing time of up to 5 minutes for each upload. If you get an error like the one below. It means that probably only the first 100 pages from your uploaded pdf was uploaded.

What are the best practices to interact with the PDFs with my Keymate Memory?

After you successfully train your Keymate Memory with PDFs, you can check "do"s and "don't"s here.

Is there a way to view the progress of my PDFs?

​You can see the progress of the PDFs used in your personal Keymate Memory here:

Are there slash commands to interact with my PDFs?

Yes, we have slash commands to make your interactions with PDFs more clear. See the relevant article here.

Is there a way to delete my Personal Keymate Memory?​

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