How do I change my Keymate subscription plan?
Changing your subscription plan with Keymate.AI is pretty straightforward.
Navigate to the bottom of the Plans page (you usually need to scroll down). There you will see a blue button that usualluy says "Subscribe" for each plan.
If there is a green button, that is your currrent subscription.
When you click any of the other buttons, you will automatically switch to that plan.
There is NO confirmation when switching plans. Proceed with caution.
How do you calculate my credits when I change my subscription plan?
Once you switch to another plan, the charge will be prorated based on the number of days left in the current month.
Does it matter which day of the month I change my plan?
Switching to a higher plan in the first week of the month provides you with more days to utilize your credits than switching in the last week of the month. Even though your credit increase will be the same no matter what day you switch your plan, the amount you pay will be prorated based off of the number of days left you have to use those credits in the month since credits do not rollover month to month.
Credits will refresh on the first day of every month regardless of when you purchase your plan.
What happens to my credits if I switch to a lower plan?
When changing to a lower plan, credits will be added to your account and can be applied toward future payments.
Is there a limit to switch between plans?
You can always switch back and forth between plans to easily increase and decrease your quota limit.
If you need further help, please feel free to write to us via the help chatbox in the bottom right corner.