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Using /slash commands to read specific parts in PDFs
Using /slash commands to read specific parts in PDFs

Interacting with PDFs using slash "/" commands, and benefitting from Keymate Hybrid Search

Ozgur Ozkan avatar
Written by Ozgur Ozkan
Updated over a week ago

/Slash commands to read specific parts in your PDFs

Did you know you can now read parts of a PDF based off of specific parts that are chunked within your Keymate Memory (frmly Knowledge Base)?

Whenever you load a PDF, Keymate automatically marks every 15 pages of the PDF into Parts. With some of our slash commands you can tell Keymate to search through specific part of the PDF to find more info.

Here are some /slash commands that allow you to search through your Keymate Memory and access specific parts of your PDFs:

/listpdfs: lists PDFs available to use for reading that are uploaded to

Available with: ✅ GPT | ❌ Ultimate Webapp | Learn more

/pdfpro: uses GPT4 128K and reads 1 PDF in parts to answer your questions. Remember, 1 part is 10-15 pages (example here)

Available with: ✅ GPT | ❌ Ultimate Webapp | Learn more

/document: uses Claude 2 and reads 1 PDF in parts to answer your questions 1 part is 10-15 pages (More info here)

Available with: ✅ GPT | ❌ Ultimate Webapp | Learn more

/pdfsearch: semantic search on all PDFs

Available with: ✅ GPT | ❌ Ultimate Webapp | Learn more

/hybrid: Keymate can search both on your uploaded PDFs, personal knowledge on Keymate Memory and the internet at the same time in 1 query. (example here)
Available with: ✅ GPT | ❌ Ultimate Webapp | Learn more

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